
Sovereignties & IA

Health, economic, military, technological—successive crises highlight the threats looming over our sovereignties. To shield ourselves from these global disruptions, rich and disruptive innovation is imperative, with AI at the forefront. In this context, let us not dream: AI carries as many threats as it does solutions. For the Scientific Council of the Paris Air Forum, the only certainty is that those who fail to master this technology will inevitably face relegation.

The effects of AI are manifold: it can help us reindustrialize our economies, bring value chains back home, consolidate the supply chain, and reaffirm sovereign control over strategic goods. To survive in this emerging world, we must radically challenge our organizations, technologies, and performance to overcome dependencies and design “Sovereignty Chains” capable of weathering the storms on the horizon. These are among the critical issues shaping the current discourse in the sector and will be at the heart of discussions during the twelfth edition of the Paris Air Forum, where we look forward to welcoming you.

Max ARMANET – President of the Scientific Council, President of Forum-Media

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